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colonial charter feature suggestion shipments home - Printable Version

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colonial charter feature suggestion shipments home - warpath - 06-22-2017

i think it would be a good addition to receive shipment orders from the motherland 

1  it would add a new layer to the colonial charter concept a reason for sending your bunch of pioneers out

2 a random shipment request system  with rewards based on value of requested items or on the loading of the shipment you can request specific resources

3  could make it so  you have to make the ship at the shipyard to give it an added feature

would like to hear other players thought on this concept

colonial charter feature suggestion shipments home - stiles - 06-23-2017

ok i think i get the concept.what do you want the reward to be?the way RED coded the trains should work to do as you are asking in that it would take the goods. i do think,i have not tested any,there are buildings now that require "x"amount of a item to function every so often.NECORA built a fishing spot that needs boats to work. it has to be upgraded every so often i belive. i think Ds also developed a similar chain.that idea would work with your ship construction idea.all those modders i mentioned are busy at the moment so this idea may take time.yopur idea does make sence with the fort pieces and functions. so far noone has cracked the game code enough to give seeds without it being a merchant boat.i do not think nomads has been cracked enough to give you "x"number of nomads as an option either.not sure what we could import as a is an interesting idea.

colonial charter feature suggestion shipments home - warpath - 06-25-2017

the reward being nomads/the next pioneers looking for a new beginning would be great

the requested resources to the home land   being cotton, gold, tobacco, and the like would work really well and the return being iron coal and such

abit like the civ colonisation did


colonial charter feature suggestion shipments home - BuildHappy - 07-01-2017

On 6/25/2017 at 7:05 AM, warpath said:

abit like the civ colonisation did


i remember that! the better your shipment back home, the "more valuable" your new people would be (better educated, more valuable skills, etc.) come to think, it did "feel" a little like banished... i stopped playing civ at IV, so i can't speak to what it's like now... but i remember "chipotle."

[img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png[/img]/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" title=":)" width="20" />


colonial charter feature suggestion shipments home - WatersMoon110 - 09-16-2017

I don't think new code such as would be needed for this suggestion can be added to the game, even in the Beta.

colonial charter feature suggestion shipments home - warpath - 09-17-2017

23 hours ago, WatersMoon110 said:

I don't think new code such as would be needed for this suggestion can be added to the game, even in the Beta.

not much chance of it happening with the dev calling curtains on this project shame has so  much unused potential 

colonial charter feature suggestion shipments home - estherhb - 09-17-2017

The developer told everyone the game was finished when he released it in 2013, so this recent announcement is really nothing new.