Maritimes Development Thread

9 hours ago, Necora said:


<a contenteditable="false" data-ipshover="" data-ipshover-target="<___base_url___>/index.php?/profile/4-shockpuppet/&do=hovercard" data-mentionid="4" href="<___base_url___>/index.php?/profile/4-shockpuppet/">@ShockPuppet</a> I'd love to see them, at least one of either hemp or flax, just to see how you do it. I need to get the transparent textures working because I am still missing something in my code there, at the moment I did what Ketchup suggested earlier but the background is still black, not sure if it is a code setting or a blender setting but it is not straight forward to get textures to show up as transparent in blender itself. Overall, I am getting comfortable with that program, but the UI is utter ** and it is not very logical to use.

i think i forgot something....


in the ....Texture.rsc file you need to change the 1st sentence on top of the .....Texture.rsc file

ImageBuffer resource : "Texture/ModelAlphaTexture.rsc"


i was getting same thing, no transparency and took me 1 hr to figure out why it wasnt working anymore [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/sad.png[/img]/emoticons/sad@2x.png 2x" title=":(" width="20" />


<a contenteditable="false" data-ipshover="" data-ipshover-target="<___base_url___>/index.php?/profile/3183-ketchup/&do=hovercard" data-mentionid="3183" href="<___base_url___>/index.php?/profile/3183-ketchup/">@Ketchup</a> cheers I'll give it a go the next time I compile and let you know.


<a contenteditable="false" data-ipshover="" data-ipshover-target="<___base_url___>/index.php?/profile/20-denis-de-la-rive/&do=hovercard" data-mentionid="20" href="<___base_url___>/index.php?/profile/20-denis-de-la-rive/">@Denis de la Rive</a> I also had a go at a Turpentine Still. It is a mash of pretty much all of the images of smaller shacks in the files you shared. I had to make some of it up, because I couldn't make out from the pictures exactly how it went, but I think I got a pretty close representation. All of the main aspects are certainly there. I'll put together a few raw materials, turpentine, pine pitch, pine resin, charcoal, etc. and code it up tomorrow, then see how it looks in game.

<a class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image" href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2017_01/TurpentineStill01.jpg.959ef12325896d1cf43701fe23decdff.jpg" data-fileid="964">[img]<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2017_01/TurpentineStill01.thumb.jpg.af5c8efc3f74619d51cbfafd118ca34c.jpg[/img]</a>

<a class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image" href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2017_01/TurpentineStill02.jpg.b294e903fc88e6ba432cedcad672ddea.jpg" data-fileid="965">[img]<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2017_01/TurpentineStill02.thumb.jpg.8a8b2ddc27eac7760575be09c534db0f.jpg[/img]</a>

<a class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image" href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2017_01/TurpentineStill03.jpg.8618f226e61a6c9395ef3fa8621cbdbb.jpg" data-fileid="966">[img]<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2017_01/TurpentineStill03.thumb.jpg.ecafec7c816ad1bb0473631459766a1f.jpg[/img]</a>


Looks very authentic. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png[/img]/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" title=":)" width="20" />

I don't care much about turpentine, but damn, it looks like you could brew some good whiskey in there.


Just jumping back before heading offline for a bit.

The "New Flora" by Tany is installed higher than <abbr title="MegaMod">MM</abbr>, I'm not sure which "Flax" is gathered though.  I don't plant it, it's gathered.

The wooden planks/lumber are produced by the inground sawmill that is in the <abbr title="MegaMod">MM</abbr> trees/lumber menu in <abbr title="MegaMod">MM</abbr>.  I don't know what planks that then producers.

I have downloaded the new update and see what happens on a new map [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/biggrin.png[/img]/emoticons/biggrin@2x.png 2x" title=":D" width="20" />



<a contenteditable="false" data-ipshover="" data-ipshover-target="<___base_url___>/index.php?/profile/9529-queryeverything/&do=hovercard" data-mentionid="9529" href="<___base_url___>/index.php?/profile/9529-queryeverything/">@QueryEverything</a> In regards to tanypredator's mod and <abbr title="Colonial Charter">CC</abbr>, the gathered flax is from her mod and sooner or later you will get seeds from the trader for cultivated flax (also from her mod). Essentially what you have with those two mods is three versions of flax: - [<abbr title="Colonial Charter">CC</abbr>] flax (a normal farm crop), "wild" flax (found in the wild and collected by gatherers) and cultivated flax, (a normal but entirely separate farm crop from [<abbr title="Colonial Charter">CC</abbr>] flax). The last two (i.e. those from tanypredator's mod) will not be used by any of the workplaces in vanilla Banished or <abbr title="Colonial Charter">CC</abbr> (or any other mod as far as I can tell), the "wild" flax and cultivated flax will only get used by the linen weaver supplied in tany's mod to make linen clothes (which is again a separate item from any other mod)


<a contenteditable="false" data-ipshover="" data-ipshover-target="<___base_url___>/index.php?/profile/153-feneris/&do=hovercard" data-mentionid="153" href="<___base_url___>/index.php?/profile/153-feneris/">@Feneris</a> I was thinking the same thing, and am wondering how to add variation to the building so that you can have a few of them for a range of uses and have some simple low cost alcohol production going on in there. I need to try to add some 'dirt' to my textures, that might help. So a question, alcohol currently in the game is simple, i.e. you need a crop (barley etc.) fed into a brewer or a still that produces alcohol. Are you happy with this chain, or would you like to see things like water (maybe the most important ingredient in fine whiskey??), fuel, sugar etc. added to alcohol recipes? In a basic still, I think we could get away with just the crop and fuel, but in larger establishments I personally would like to see things like water and sugar go into it. After all, moonshine season around here is when all of the superstores get suspiciously low on 1 kg bags of sugar...


1 hour ago, Necora said:

<a contenteditable="false" data-ipshover="" data-ipshover-target="<___base_url___>/index.php?/profile/153-feneris/&do=hovercard" data-mentionid="153" href="<___base_url___>/index.php?/profile/153-feneris/">@Feneris</a> I was thinking the same thing, and am wondering how to add variation to the building so that you can have a few of them for a range of uses and have some simple low cost alcohol production going on in there. I need to try to add some 'dirt' to my textures, that might help. So a question, alcohol currently in the game is simple, i.e. you need a crop (barley etc.) fed into a brewer or a still that produces alcohol. Are you happy with this chain, or would you like to see things like water (maybe the most important ingredient in fine whiskey??), fuel, sugar etc. added to alcohol recipes? In a basic still, I think we could get away with just the crop and fuel, but in larger establishments I personally would like to see things like water and sugar go into it. After all, moonshine season around here is when all of the superstores get suspiciously low on 1 kg bags of sugar...

Honestly I prefer simpler chains. Water as a resource also drives me nut because it just seems like it is being terribly underutilized that way.  That being said I see no reason why sugar shouldn't be added.


Pitch Kiln turns Pine Boughs (branches and roots) into Pine Pitch (charcoal will also be added soon) while the Turpentine Still turns Pine Resin into Turpentine. Pine Pitch and Turpentine will be then used for a variety of things including naval stores (construction type and health type), corking, improved rope and lumber etc. 

<a class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image" href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2017_01/Screenshot29.jpg.b05851cf07699d79e105d0c3c3f5bf80.jpg" data-fileid="971">[img]<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2017_01/Screenshot29.thumb.jpg.c1d1cc49c6bafff16f656a7923115802.jpg[/img]</a>

<a class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image" href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2017_01/Screenshot37.jpg.1a925a086b90217201501b8de49a59e6.jpg" data-fileid="974">[img]<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2017_01/Screenshot37.thumb.jpg.d8136be66fefc0ce7d9d37b8bab2de63.jpg[/img]</a>

<a class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image" href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2017_01/Screenshot30.jpg.ec1f5b6ee08beff9a75f82f10c2309bc.jpg" data-fileid="972">[img]<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2017_01/Screenshot30.thumb.jpg.378a2565a135b8e52f11bed0150472be.jpg[/img]</a>

<a class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image" href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2017_01/Screenshot36.jpg.57f34fade784e7d402544b9bf82241e6.jpg" data-fileid="973">[img]<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2017_01/Screenshot36.thumb.jpg.44ab4e320b74caa210e2f3dfcd8189dd.jpg[/img]</a>


I have made new resources - pine boughs, pine resin, pine pitch, and turpentine. Need to make a pine forester or gatherer or forager type building that will go out and collect these resources, plus maybe a few others such as hemp and flax. I have not yet decided if they will be wild versions that will actually be gathered, or if they will be produced out of nothing. I do like the idea of making a pine tree for the orchard to tap resin for a constant supply. Thinking of also making a couple of houses and some storage areas using the Turpentine Still theme. I really like how the still building came out, it is exactly the style I was thinking of for the basic industry buildings. Now I know how to build it, expect more buildings along this line with some variation to colour etc.


Now, for some community involvement! I suck at making icons - I have no idea why - it is something that I am not very good at. So, I decided to ask you guys for some help. If anyone can make icons, or can at least find good icons, I will be very grateful. So grateful, in fact, that if you do find me some good icons, I will be willing to name a building after you. That is right, you will be forever immortalized in the Banished world. The Sherbrooke industry set, IRL, does not just say 'Blacksmith' or 'Tailor' above the door, as I have done in my set, but has a name... "Joe McLane. Blacksmith" and "Donald McDonald. Tailor.". So, if you contribute with icons, I will name one of these buildings (or another coming out of that set) after you (or your handle, or you can come up with a name if you wish). But wait, the stakes get higher... if you make me a set of icons I will not only name a building after you, but will even build a building or a small set of buildings of your choice (I am thinking about those beach huts there <a contenteditable="false" data-ipshover="" data-ipshover-target="<___base_url___>/index.php?/profile/9529-queryeverything/&do=hovercard" data-mentionid="9529" href="<___base_url___>/index.php?/profile/9529-queryeverything/">@QueryEverything</a>...) as a way to say thank you (you'll have to make the icons for them haha).

Now, some of the icons in the maritimes set I do like, the dock pieces, a few others. But most suck, buildings and resources. You'll notice a lot of the produce icons are black and white and any that are not were probably borrowed from <abbr title="Colonial Charter">CC</abbr>. Some are so small you can't see what they are. At the moment, all new resources above are just a picture of a barrel. I don't care if you just write 'Turpentine' or 'T' on that barrel tbh, as long as it represents turpentine.

Buildings need 1 icon that is 32x32 px, resources need two icons, 1 32x32 and 1 16x16px (I use the same icon just scaled down, which is why it sometimes looks bad).

...Over to you...




for turpentine just show a barrel pouring a black liquid and for pine itch just use a pine cone and some needles. keep it simple.
