Maritimes Development Thread

<a contenteditable="false" data-ipshover="" data-ipshover-target="<___base_url___>/index.php?/profile/5518-necora/&do=hovercard" data-mentionid="5518" href="<___base_url___>/index.php?/profile/5518-necora/">@Necora</a> We want more diagonals! [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/tongue.png[/img]/emoticons/tongue@2x.png 2x" title=":P" width="20" />

Very happy to see more diagonally oriented structures being added to the game (e.g. Small Town Rowhouses, the hunters watchtowers in Red's Training Camp mod, there's also a windmill that can be placed diagonally in another mod). I'd like more buildings built at an angle (rather than the typical north-south or east-west alignment) so that we can fit them into those odd spaces near hills or rivers and so on.


what is the pine trapper suppose to do? it acts as ahunter.the school is out of scale,looks tiny compared to the houses. food cellar needs renamed,it conflicts with <abbr title="Colonial Charter">CC</abbr> ,causing the 1 in your mod to have a real tiny icon.was that designed to be set in a hill? can it be scaled down to use on the houses?can we get a decorative porch or veranda for the long pine lodge house,made with the wood texture, to go across the front ??

   most of the production seems good. and what i tested did work back and forth well with <abbr title="Colonial Charter">CC</abbr>, such as the maple sap to sugar.the gatherers might be a tad low.i did notice a delay or very slim pickings for the 1st yr.


39 minutes ago, KevinTheCynic said:

We want more diagonals! [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/tongue.png[/img]/emoticons/tongue@2x.png 2x" title=":P" width="20" />

Very happy to see more diagonally oriented structures being added to the game (e.g. Small Town Rowhouses, the hunters watchtowers in Red's Training Camp mod, there's also a windmill that can be placed diagonally in another mod). I'd like more buildings built at an angle (rather than the typical north-south or east-west alignment) so that we can fit them into those odd spaces near hills or rivers and so on.

Yeah I was playing around with it and it came out quite nice. It made me think about perhaps taking a few of the houses, duplicating them, and spinning them 45 degrees, see if I can play around with making them come out well in game. So perhaps more diagonals will be added with this set.

44 minutes ago, stiles said:

what is the pine trapper suppose to do? it acts as ahunter.

Yup, it is meant to for now, I coded it up as a hunter to test what the building looks like in game. It will eventually produce fur and game meat, I've not decided how. I did just have an idea of doing it like a forester though... might have to try that.

45 minutes ago, stiles said:

the school is out of scale,looks tiny compared to the houses

The pine school? I was thinking of making that bigger, or at least taller. The church also could do with a taller roof.

45 minutes ago, stiles said:

food cellar needs renamed,it conflicts with <abbr title="Colonial Charter">CC</abbr> ,causing the 1 in your mod to have a real tiny icon.was that designed to be set in a hill? can it be scaled down to use on the houses?

Thanks for that, I will change the name of it. I think the icon might be broken too so will change that. It can go against the houses, but I did notice too that it is a tad to tall. I will also make it so the back doesn't flatten the ground so it can be placed on a hill, good idea.

47 minutes ago, stiles said:

can we get a decorative porch or veranda for the long pine lodge house,made with the wood texture, to go across the front ??

Do you have anything specific in mind? It can certainly be done, or even added to the house itself.

47 minutes ago, stiles said:

the gatherers might be a tad low.i did notice a delay or very slim pickings for the 1

Yup i noticed this too. It is because the items only spawn with specific foresters, so if there are a lot of other trees in the area then less will grow. It is best to cut down all of, or a lot of, the base map trees in the forester area when you build it, so that they grow the right ones for the gatherers to use.

Thanks for the feed back!


actually it was your vanilla gatherer that was slow . i did figure the maple and pine would be without having been planted. if we cut down the trees we will lose deer. that is a give and take,the deer will outproduce the plants. we would have a big net loss of food.i was testing several mods instead of actually playing. i usually figure 500 average food per food worker<hunters,farmers,gatherers>. gatherers have always been on the lower end closer to 300 each. of course now that is split to the maple forester as well.that would  throw those numbers off.

   the veranda porch,i was thinking of taking the longer lodge and have the wooden deck come out from the house and extend far enough out to go out past the entryway. leave 1 side open and the other side extend the roofline over the deck. then just  add a railing.i will say the houses look better in game than i thought. my concern was the amount of stone especially on the corners with the wood.guess i thought the stone edge wouldn't be as thick.i'd like to see an option to have the front of the long lodge wood as well. between you and REDK there is a lot in these 2 mod sets.[img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png[/img]/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" title=":)" width="20" />


where do i begin? the pine cabins have a max population of 3, i figure on purpose. they don't help good in the beginning of games.then we have the lodges but they take my case i just built another house to have the extra population growth.then the kids get sent down the road to live with a new nomad the cabin couple had more kids the older kids got sent down the road..... it reminded me of a glitch error i had and had to take the bigger families mod out.every so often i had people homeless for no reason.would quickly build houses and catch up only to have the glitch happen again. is there plans to have a house option between the cabin size and the lumber required lodge? or at least an upgrade option for the cabin.

  the caches window boxes are too small . this is why the name doesn't fit the window and makes it difficult to work with. in playing the game i have found quirky issues. i started with adam and plan was to build a forestry area on the edge of a lake and then establish a fishing village on the lake.i built RED's watch tower to get a quick foor boost asnd then the pine cabin and some mini buildings for tools and firewood.after a couple years i built your vanilla gatherer to get some fruit and veggy for the banis' diets.once i had the 2nd nomad couple,i built a maple forester to get started planting maple and apple trees.i used the woodland abode from <abbr title="Colonial Charter">CC</abbr>.after a few years i remembered that i can;t get apples and maple sap because i have the wrong gatherer.hmmm do i tear down the old 1?? do i throw up the new 1?? i don't want 2 this close together. made me stop and think a bit. if i had originally built the maple gatherer, there would not have been any to i had to build the vanilla gatherer 1st then establish the newtrees and then now tear down 1 gatherer and build the new 1.lets see 6 banis,1 hunting and watching over the town,1 chopping firewood and helping out ,1 gathering but now walking by apples and not picking them up, and 1 making tools or hide coats,1 a teacher,and the 6th being the forester.everyone is busy and now you want them to tear down and rebuild a gatherer. to me it doesn't make sence.can the new gatherers be set to pickup all resources instead of needing 3 different caches?so i build 1 in a forest and he will find berries and roots and then maple sap and apples and then pine ,so he would pick up whatever is out there instead of walking by food and leaving it?? better yet if the mod would set the vanilla gather hut and the mini and forest outpost gatherers to pick everything up.that way no matter what i started with he would continue. and if someone built a forest outpost set between a maple and pine foresters they could function in both.also do the vanilla or <abbr title="Colonial Charter">CC</abbr> pine trees give pine pitch items??

  now that we have banis tapping trees for sap,what do we do with it?? they don't seem to eat it as is,without a boiler the sap sits in storage and there was none in have a boiler i need a lumber cutter,and a pine forest,and a then make charcoal. for a small boiler to work i need 2 forests and a army of workers.huh??these poor banis just escaped the apocalypse,fought past zombies or bears,survived a few hard winters,have no clue if anyone is out there in the rest of the world,and you dear sir deprive them of maple syrup for all their hard and you call yourself a canadian even. seriously, maple sap boiler could use firewood  and maybe another way to use normal logs to make charcoal. also,should the maple trees give hardwood??  if we have no other wood will the <abbr title="Colonial Charter">CC</abbr> hardwood be used as firewood?? when i get to hardwood in <abbr title="Colonial Charter">CC</abbr> i already have plenty of normal logs.


   sorry,i don't mean to sound overcritical. me and the banis were stumbling around in the woods.we didn't get ate by bears but did feel quite lost.



1 hour ago, stiles said:

sorry,i don't mean to sound overcritical. me and the banis were stumbling around in the woods.we didn't get ate by bears but did feel quite lost.

Not at all, it is exactly the type of feed back I am looking for to improve the mod! I don't get a great deal of time to play through, and usually get distracted with things that can be changed or added. I also never try some of the other starts, so good to know.

2 hours ago, stiles said:

the pine cabins have a max population of 3, i figure on purpose. they don't help good in the beginning of games.then we have the lodges but they take my case i just built another house to have the extra population growth.then the kids get sent down the road to live with a new nomad the cabin couple had more kids the older kids got sent down the road..... it reminded me of a glitch error i had and had to take the bigger families mod out.every so often i had people homeless for no reason.would quickly build houses and catch up only to have the glitch happen again. is there plans to have a house option between the cabin size and the lumber required lodge? or at least an upgrade option for the cabin.

Yup 3 is intentional. There are plans for both an upgrade to the cabins to allow a family of 4 and some middle houses to allow a family of 4 then upgrade to a family of 5. A lot of houses, so taking me time to get them done. Lumber will only be needed for the lodges and the upgraded homes, the cabins, cabin upgrade, and home will only need wood and some stone.

2 hours ago, stiles said:

the caches window boxes are too small . this is why the name doesn't fit the window and makes it difficult to work with.

Yeah I still have to figure that out...

2 hours ago, stiles said:

after a few years i remembered that i can;t get apples and maple sap because i have the wrong gatherer.hmmm do i tear down the old 1?? do i throw up the new 1?? i don't want 2 this close together. made me stop and think a bit. if i had originally built the maple gatherer, there would not have been any to find.s

If you clear an area and put down the maple forester, the maple sap and apples will start spawning relatively quickly, I think within the year. But yes, it is a tricky situation. I didn't want to overpower any of the gatherers, which is why they all have a maximum of 4 pick ups (same as <abbr title="Colonial Charter">CC</abbr>). As soon as you start adding more, the out put can get too high. But, if you start with a vanilla gatherer in a maple forester, eventually the vanilla foods will no longer be spawned there so you can change over then. I will be adding buttons to the remove section that will allow you to send your laborers in to clear the sets of resources, that should speed up the process.

2 hours ago, stiles said:

also do the vanilla or <abbr title="Colonial Charter">CC</abbr> pine trees give pine pitch items??

Nope, only the two new foresters and their tree combinations give them. Again, it would be far too many things going on in one building otherwise, too overpowering.

2 hours ago, stiles said:

now that we have banis tapping trees for sap,what do we do with it?? they don't seem to eat it as is,without a boiler the sap sits in storage and there was none in have a boiler i need a lumber cutter,and a pine forest,and a then make charcoal. for a small boiler to work i need 2 forests and a army of workers.huh??these poor banis just escaped the apocalypse,fought past zombies or bears,survived a few hard winters,have no clue if anyone is out there in the rest of the world,and you dear sir deprive them of maple syrup for all their hard and you call yourself a canadian even. seriously, maple sap boiler could use firewood  and maybe another way to use normal logs to make charcoal. also,should the maple trees give hardwood??  if we have no other wood will the <abbr title="Colonial Charter">CC</abbr> hardwood be used as firewood?? when i get to hardwood in <abbr title="Colonial Charter">CC</abbr> i already have plenty of normal logs.

I will take lumber out of the maple boiler and replace it with wood, lumber is too advanced for that building. Same with the cider press. I will also add an option to the boiler to use firewood or charcoal, although firewood will be more expensive to use. Perhaps 2 firewood for each maple syrup batch, compared to 1 charcoal for each batch. 

I thought I put the option of normal logs into the pitch kiln? There should be the option of using either logs or pine boughs, to make either pitch or charcoal. If it is not there then I must have added it after I released this beta test. 

All trees that I added give regular wood. <abbr title="Colonial Charter">CC</abbr> hardwood will not be used for anything.



Keep the comments coming! I will hopefully have the actual release soon, depending on if I decide anything for the trapper and if I can get these extra houses added this week. If not, I'll throw these fixes together and do another beta update for testing.


Dev note...

I spent most of my modding time lately playing with the trapper, trying to make something work. It didn't, so still thinking about it. But I do now have beaver lodges, grouse nests, and trapped coyotes spawning in random places.

<a class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image" href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2017_02/Screenshot1.jpg.e1662c050442f4095324de26e5b7fdcf.jpg" data-fileid="1285">[img]<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2017_02/Screenshot1.thumb.jpg.9b9ba778c7ba4fec3dfb2db564704e03.jpg[/img]</a>


In the mean time, I made the pine church a tad taller and finished the pine hospital and the spinner. I also added a Whiskey Still that makes whiskey from grains + maple syrup + charcoal. The food cellar has been made a tad shorter so it doesn't poke through the roof of the houses if placed side by side.

<a class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image" href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2017_02/Screenshot3.jpg.6e9d33699e5a3e8d78b6bb74b1c2d464.jpg" data-fileid="1281">[img]<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2017_02/Screenshot3.thumb.jpg.cbd8d436c8da6e9f2fac98e0f77fc05c.jpg[/img]</a>

<a class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image" href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2017_02/Screenshot4.jpg.639a03a3a52c9510ab60b1f8523cca40.jpg" data-fileid="1282">[img]<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2017_02/Screenshot4.thumb.jpg.61829ba898eae4d580c3734bdd55d3ef.jpg[/img]</a>

<a class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image" href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2017_02/Screenshot5.jpg.92ebf9884d54a21848eb6a7a101c1b3b.jpg" data-fileid="1283">[img]<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2017_02/Screenshot5.thumb.jpg.85681100e85216b18c3602d993046075.jpg[/img]</a>

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I forgot, I had a few more pictures to show.

<a class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image" href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2017_02/CrystalHutch01.jpg.cb8690227274d222e4f079f969a13855.jpg" data-fileid="1299">[img]<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2017_02/CrystalHutch01.thumb.jpg.794d0553e2b460999ad7f7d5561aa3cb.jpg[/img]</a>

A hutch. Rabbits and Chickens I think, one for each, with a few colored F-variants. They are 1 tile wide and the buildings are only 1/2 a tile deep, so will sit on a 1x1 tile.

<a class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image" href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2017_02/CrystalHutch02.jpg.cdfd1a1498f930ab3a2df2e277f16a25.jpg" data-fileid="1300">[img]<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2017_02/CrystalHutch02.thumb.jpg.a82dfffe5f7a046990d9f77046854e94.jpg[/img]</a>

Also we have a 2x1 goat shed, which can be made into a pen using fence pieces etc. This isn't quite ready, I think it needs another half wall to give them some shelter.

<a class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image" href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2017_02/CrystalGoatPen.jpg.da1f4acea71970bbe2577c31f21859c5.jpg" data-fileid="1298">[img]<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2017_02/CrystalGoatPen.thumb.jpg.49606b9f9cbcdaa666004c97938345c1.jpg[/img]</a>

Now, I can't decide if these should be put with the pine set as they are small, simple buildings, or placed into the crystal farms set, because they are farm buildings. I'm tending towards the latter.


wow ,you have ben busy. the pitch kiln did have an option to charcoal on it. i understand the idea of having the gatherer only find 4 items per year. but once the maple was established it would only be able to find the new items,so it would find the original 4 then later just the new 4 even if it was coded for all 8 originally or would it still find all 8?? it just seem funny knowing the gatherer that i put out at start now was walking by apples and not picking them.

  as to the trapper,i do wish you would consider the idea of a generic "wild item" gatherer person and then a cleaning area to take the item and split it into different parts. the hope was to make the coding easier for you. and so we aren't as limited by the number of squares or tiles in a circle. i did a write up earlier at WOB for thinking is to make the coding easier and then you can have the fun of designing different buildings. the coding  to me would be tedious and frustrating. there must be too many lines to change from 1 building to another.


Great looking set, unique pieces, love the hutches.  Too bad not modular so everyone could use it.  Say maritime dock set, farm set, forest set, that would be nice.


Really liked the maple forester.  I cleared the area, put 2 to only planting at first but didn't notice how long it took to get started-will check that later. The new cranberries are so colorful.  My only complaint was the pine houses holding just 3 people, but you explained your plans for that so  now I understand why.
