Maritimes Development Thread

9 hours ago, stiles said:

wow ,you have ben busy. the pitch kiln did have an option to charcoal on it. i understand the idea of having the gatherer only find 4 items per year. but once the maple was established it would only be able to find the new items,so it would find the original 4 then later just the new 4 even if it was coded for all 8 originally or would it still find all 8?? it just seem funny knowing the gatherer that i put out at start now was walking by apples and not picking them.

I guess it would work, because the vanilla items would not spawn in that circle once the vanilla trees have been harvested. One thing I did find when playing though is that the foresters are very slow at cutting down trees. It is vanilla code, so I'm not sure why that is. So it would take a long time for the transition, unless you clear the area first. I wonder if there is a way to make the foresters speed up in replacing trees.

9 hours ago, stiles said:

  as to the trapper,i do wish you would consider the idea of a generic "wild item" gatherer person and then a cleaning area to take the item and split it into different parts. the hope was to make the coding easier for you. and so we aren't as limited by the number of squares or tiles in a circle. i did a write up earlier at WOB for thinking is to make the coding easier and then you can have the fun of designing different buildings. the coding  to me would be tedious and frustrating. there must be too many lines to change from 1 building to another.

It is an interesting idea, but too powerful in my opinion. See my reply at WOB. I do think it would work on a smaller scale though, say just for the trapper chain.

2 hours ago, Abandoned said:

Great looking set, unique pieces, love the hutches.  Too bad not modular so everyone could use it.  Say maritime dock set, farm set, forest set, that would be nice

Thanks! And it will be modular eventually. The reason I've not done that yet is because I have been skipping from set to set, and not finished anything! This is the first time I've focused on just one aspect of the mod, to get it complete. Once I start getting more complete sections, I'll release them as individual mods too. Also I have to decide how to do it as it is all quite interlinked.

2 hours ago, grammycat said:

Really liked the maple forester.  I cleared the area, put 2 to only planting at first but didn't notice how long it took to get started-will check that later. The new cranberries are so colorful.  My only complaint was the pine houses holding just 3 people, but you explained your plans for that so  now I understand why.

It would be interesting to know thanks! Yup, more houses are on the way.


Was able to start planting in the Maple Forester in autumn of year 1.   Put in 2 foresters and 2 gatherers.  It started producing gatherables in summer of year 2 and wood in winter of year 4.  I ran it for 5 producing years with the following results: 

                          year 2:  apples 195, blueberries 66, cranberries 140, sap 80

                          year 3:  apples 1040, blueberries 550, cranberries 364, sap 480

                          year 4:  apples 1625,  blueberries 396, cranberries 700, sap 64

                          year 5:  apples 1755, blueberries 396,  cranberries 588, sap 304

                          year 6:  apples 1040, blueberries 462, cranberries 784, sap 272

The fluctuations in production I assume was due to what trees matured and were cut by the foresters.  It seems well-balanced running with 2 foresters and 2 gatherers.  I can't give you an accurate count on wood past the first full year it produced, which was 336, as I kept missing the start of the season.  I'm really liking this mod. 



<a contenteditable="false" data-ipshover="" data-ipshover-target="<___base_url___>/index.php?/profile/88-grammycat/&do=hovercard" data-mentionid="88" href="<___base_url___>/index.php?/profile/88-grammycat/">@grammycat</a> Apples are a bit high right? I will play with spawn chance to bring those down a bit. The create chance is like 50 apples per pick up, because they are from an orchard tree. As an example, the maple sap is more like 10 per pick up. I think over 2000 units of food for just two gatherers is a little extreme. I want to aim for about 300-500 per type, depending on the season. What do you think?


I ran a 5 year test with vanilla and maple forester-keep in mind I use megamod which adds some things to gatherers and  tanypredator's mod which adds rose hips, wild oats, and flax.  I also did a 15x15 apple orchard just for fun.  Over 5 years, I averaged 1900 in orchard, 2156 in regular forest, and 2565 in maple forest.  I used 2 gatherers in each and 4 farmers in orchard.  So 2000+ is fine for 2 gatherers, but yes it is the apples that produce the most.  I like it as is because it alleviates the need for apple orchards, but you know what balance you want to achieve so if you want less per gatherer then the apples are probably what you'd want to adjust.


<a contenteditable="false" data-ipshover="" data-ipshover-target="<___base_url___>/index.php?/profile/5518-necora/&do=hovercard" data-mentionid="5518" href="<___base_url___>/index.php?/profile/5518-necora/">@Necora</a> was just reading for some ideas (in another thread at WoB) and I came across lye making, was wondering if that was something that had come across your radar, especially with your new forestry trees.

Not sure if it's at all suitable, but, I thought i'd share.



What a crazy couple of days. New toolbars, new limits and flags, what to do? what to do?????

Plus 60 cm of snow in 48 hours, I've not left the house for 5 days... apart from shoveling and snowboarding, what else are you to do on extended snow days? How about pull the PEI shore set out of the main mod and make it into the first Modular Maritimes Set?

Well that is what I did. 

What is new?

--> All buildings have been enhanced, remastered in some cases, and generally cleaned up. I've added a bit of size variation, cleaned up unnecessary faces and things, and just fixed the models and improved upon things that I've learnt since starting this set (these were the first buildings! So a few issues needed correcting).

--> I've removed the extra dock tiles from the front of them, leaving all buildings on a 2x2 square (apart from the storage, they are the same). This will allow premium dock placement around the buildings, and doesn't restrict you to the pieces attached to the models. You can now place a roped, covered, plain, corner, T, stairs, what ever you want, right in front of the building. This gives much more flexibility to building your docks, and allows you to use other dock pieces from other sets (<abbr title="Colonial Charter">CC</abbr>, DSSV etc.) in combination with this. I added a bar to the first build stage to indicate which way is the front, and for the fully built buildings, the front is the side with the door. All access for your Bannies is through the front.

--> All buildings have a brand new ambient occlusion (AO). This should give them all enhanced shadows, more definition and contrast, and better snow coverage.

--> And finally, I've added a third colour variant! Some of you have commented that you liked the dark wood siding of the pine set, well now your shore fisheries also come in the same dark wood theme, to create a seamless blend between forest and shore. The fishery buildings are a new instance on the toolbar, while the storage and edibles storage have a third F-variant.


All of this will be uploaded this coming week, if I can ever leave the house and get into town. My internet is also struggling due to the weather.

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i take it the mods will go to your icon by themself,we wont need any other mod for that?


<a contenteditable="false" data-ipshover="" data-ipshover-target="<___base_url___>/index.php?/profile/5518-necora/&do=hovercard" data-mentionid="5518" href="<___base_url___>/index.php?/profile/5518-necora/">@Necora</a> excellent news, they all look terrific!!!


20 hours ago, stiles said:

i take it the mods will go to your icon by themself,we wont need any other mod for that?

Yup, they all technically read the same common toolbar files, then the same Necora toolbar files, which are identical in each package. This means that you don't need any dependencies, no matter what number or combination of mods you use they will all have the same toolbar lay out. I basically copied how the game makes its toolbars and made it accessible to modders, which sounds way more complicated than it was.


So the dock set has also been given a bit of an overhaul. I can't decide whether to release these two separately or together? Or should all dock pieces be together, including the inshore fisheries and industry?

<a class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image" href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2017_02/Screenshot19.jpg.9a3e46afe8ba7adbb4a8d00faff49f80.jpg" data-fileid="1356">[img]<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2017_02/Screenshot19.thumb.jpg.56d27e1f146786e3e50a3ee857fb69de.jpg[/img]</a>

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This is what I mean by premium unrestricted placement...

<a class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image" href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2017_02/Screenshot27.jpg.e56f764b90ffcf493e1d3535d7a8a855.jpg" data-fileid="1355">[img]<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2017_02/Screenshot27.thumb.jpg.5c21abb4e1b83f57da3a885dc91e12ec.jpg[/img]</a>


as long as it all goes under the anchor it doesn't matter how it is released. can we suggest to the shock and kralyerg to get us a separate download page for 1.07 versions?? that might be helpful.not to sound picky,necora but to new players rewriting the descriptions now would be good also. it would weed the changes made during the designing.
