Maritimes Development Thread

just 1 set left to do. then what are you planning? a vacation? did you get all the problems and glitches fixed in the pine and maple set? the maple sap conflict and the housing limits?


21 minutes ago, stiles said:

just 1 set left to do. then what are you planning? a vacation? did you get all the problems and glitches fixed in the pine and maple set? the maple sap conflict and the housing limits?

I think all of the glitches were sorted, but I probably made more with the new limits and flags so let me know ASAP if something is a miss.

Two sets... Sherbrooke is being done right now, but that only has a few buildings. I'm just working on a market place for the set. I'm trying hard to resist adding more stuff... Sherbrooke is going to be the next level of industry etc. so a better loom, spinner, etc. with faster work times and more employees. It is probably a good thing to hold off on it though, because to make it worth while I need to add more resources. I really underestimated just how much <abbr title="Colonial Charter">CC</abbr> has added to the game. Take the vanilla tools for example, there are two. Iron and Steel. To make bigger blacksmiths worth while, more tool options (and other stuff) are needed. Same with tailors etc., plus I added things like yarn and twine in the pine set, so need to now do something with those. So to make the Sherbrooke set come into its own with new buildings, I need to figure out my own take on clothing and tools etc. So that will take some time, for now I will just get it packaged up and released as is in the initial big mod.

Then there is Port Royal. I won't add too much content to that, just focus on getting a full set of palisades and towers etc., plus cleaning up the models. So hopefully it won't take too long, but I have a feeling they need a bit of work, especially the build stages.

After that? I will probably get creative again. I have, for the most part, been in processing mode rather than creating mode. I've tried to add a few new things for each set, to give you something new, but the most of it has been cleaning up existing stuff. I also need to play! I've been playing more lately to test limits etc., and every time I do I think of new things to add, such as the fences in the Crystal set. Things that I think hey, I could do with some of that to make this work.

The next set of dock stuff is still brewing, but I need to fill out the production chains a little more. Getting close though, also need to find more building inspiration.


good that you have time to play. that does give you more perspective. you may be right in holding off a bit and let <abbr title="Colonial Charter">CC</abbr> get caught up some. not sure how others are handling all the changes. i know my plan has been to keep playing as i was. i did make a copy of the game file,upgraded to 13.07 and been adding files to the windata. hopefully by the wkend, i will borrow the girl friends comp and download a ton more. so noo there is definetly no hurry at all. with the community button and the 1.07 there is lots of changes. our whole mod sets will be different.


hm i can't get the ownloads thru dropbox to work. can they be set to googledrive? thanks


<a contenteditable="false" data-ipshover="" data-ipshover-target="<___base_url___>/index.php?/profile/8298-stiles/&do=hovercard" data-mentionid="8298" href="<___base_url___>/index.php?/profile/8298-stiles/">@stiles</a> I used dropbox because it uploads faster on my internet, google drive is a pain for some reason. I'm will have better internet access tomorrow afternoon so can put them on google drive then.


On 2/28/2017 at 9:58 AM, Necora said:

<a contenteditable="false" data-ipshover="" data-ipshover-target="<___base_url___>/index.php?/profile/4543-taniu/&do=hovercard" data-mentionid="4543" href="<___base_url___>/index.php?/profile/4543-taniu/">@taniu</a> blue is my fav colour, plus, as <a contenteditable="false" data-ipshover="" data-ipshover-target="<___base_url___>/index.php?/profile/14-paeng/&do=hovercard" data-mentionid="14" href="<___base_url___>/index.php?/profile/14-paeng/">@Paeng</a> said, it is calming, no one wants to be bitten by a goat [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png[/img]/emoticons/wink@2x.png 2x" title=";)" width="20" /> The goat pen has 2 F-variants, the blue and one which is dark brown like the pine set... so that should fit nicely in a wood town! I really like how that dark wood texture came out, it makes a much nicer base texture than the gray I used in other things.

<a contenteditable="false" data-ipshover="" data-ipshover-target="<___base_url___>/index.php?/profile/8298-stiles/&do=hovercard" data-mentionid="8298" href="<___base_url___>/index.php?/profile/8298-stiles/">@stiles</a> I'm putting together a spreadsheet. It is not complete, there are a lot of buildings and it takes time to go through all of the template files. But I will upload it when I upload this so you can see all costs etc. It will be an on going work in progress as I update all of the sets.

<a contenteditable="false" data-ipshover="" data-ipshover-target="<___base_url___>/index.php?/profile/9529-queryeverything/&do=hovercard" data-mentionid="9529" href="<___base_url___>/index.php?/profile/9529-queryeverything/">@QueryEverything</a> Extra road tiles have been removed from.... everything! Well, at least anything where I feel they are redundant. The large barns are also fully passable through the middle so you can access them 'from the inside' aka through the stable/pen, which is also fully passable from all 4 directions.


I am in the process of uploading the two new sets...

Gah ... me & my stubbornness not wanting to update all until the pine set ... but I want the goaties [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/sad.png[/img]/emoticons/sad@2x.png 2x" title=":(" width="20" />


Haha, anyway, in all seriousness (non 2yr old sulkiness), it's looking great, I may well just go & download the files and wait for the pine later.  Am very excited!!

Never mind ...  GO and read the downloads section first silly bunny ...  hahaha!!  I need more sleep, lol.

Ok, downloading them all now [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/biggrin.png[/img]/emoticons/biggrin@2x.png 2x" title=":D" width="20" />


Oh, it's the Fort collection that is missing.  Will wait with enthusiasm as I use the buildings in all of my maps. It's going to be hard [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png[/img]/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" title=":)" width="20" />  But worth it.

Would it be at all possible (please) <a contenteditable="false" data-ipshover="" data-ipshover-target="<___base_url___>/index.php?/profile/5518-necora/&do=hovercard" data-mentionid="5518" href="<___base_url___>/index.php?/profile/5518-necora/">@Necora</a> to have a 2x2+1 house?  I love the little x tailor, and would love a 2x2 house to go with it opposite the 4x2 buildings that you have.  It would make a fabulous addition to the the 2x2 [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/biggrin.png[/img]/emoticons/biggrin@2x.png 2x" title=":D" width="20" />[img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/biggrin.png[/img]/emoticons/biggrin@2x.png 2x" title=":D" width="20" />


In all seriousness, I don't know if it's something I've missed (ie <a contenteditable="false" data-ipshover="" data-ipshover-target="<___base_url___>/index.php?/profile/5518-necora/&do=hovercard" data-mentionid="5518" href="<___base_url___>/index.php?/profile/5518-necora/">@Necora</a> explaining it wasn't active yet), but the new PEI Lumber Cutter only has 1 F-variant, the core state of orange, there aren't 3 available.  


<a contenteditable="false" data-ipshover="" data-ipshover-target="<___base_url___>/index.php?/profile/9529-queryeverything/&do=hovercard" data-mentionid="9529" href="<___base_url___>/index.php?/profile/9529-queryeverything/">@QueryEverything</a> yup PR is next on my list. And for the house, I don't know about 2x2, I was going to add some 3x3 at some point. The tailor did come out really nice, it is based on a cute shed I drive past everyday and though it would look good in game. The problem is I actually didn't quite remember it right when I built it so I still have the shed as a plan for something.... not sure what though.

The lumber cutter doesn't have any F-variants, does it say otherwise? It actually doesn't use any of the themes, just some poles and a canvas covering.


Here's a screenshot for you [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png[/img]/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" title=":)" width="20" />  I didn't think to upload it earlier, sorry <a contenteditable="false" data-ipshover="" data-ipshover-target="<___base_url___>/index.php?/profile/5518-necora/&do=hovercard" data-mentionid="5518" href="<___base_url___>/index.php?/profile/5518-necora/">@Necora</a>[img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png[/img]/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" title=":)" width="20" />

I like that shed [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png[/img]/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" title=":)" width="20" />  I will live in hope [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png[/img]/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" title=":)" width="20" />  haha.


As a general note for players, I've found that maple sap will not be stored in most of the storage provided by all the other mods, it only seems to like being stored in the Pine Set storage. I haven't tested all of the other mods so I hesitate to say it won't be stored at all in any other storage. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/laugh.png[/img]/emoticons/laugh@2x.png 2x" title="xD" width="20" />

I also found that it was well worth placing the Pines Set near the top of your mod list, to make sure it's above pretty much every other mod that makes use of charcoal.  During my test city I found that if the Pines Set was below <abbr title="Colonial Charter">CC</abbr>, the maple boiler worker would collect charcoal but seemed unable to place it in the maple boiler and got stuck in a loop of delivering the charcoal and then taking it back to the stockpile.
